Terms of use

/including Cancelation Policy, Refund Policy/

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) regulates the use of the site www.freevds.com relations (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) by the person registered on the site (hereinafter referred to as the “User”). The person, properly subscribed to this Agreement and uses the services (hereinafter the Service) provided by the Site, is recognized as the user. The fact of User authorization / registration on the Site (entering unique User IDs on the registration page and / or any entry page) is the complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement. In case of User disagreement with the terms of this Agreement, the Administration does not grant to User the rights to use the Site Service, incl. the registration right on the Site. Site Service use is provided only to persons who have reached the age of 18 years.


 1.User, by accepting this Agreement:

1. Confirms he has read and agreed with the terms of this Agreement.
2. Obliges to abide this Agreement, as well as all additions and clarifications made to the Agreement by the Site Administration.
3. Is personally responsible for the information content and materials published by him on the Site, for the data safety and confidentiality necessary for his authorization on the Site, as well as for unauthorized copying and content use – an informational meaningful graphic, textual or audiovisual content of the Site (hereinafter referred to as the Content) in case of unauthorized such Content use by the User.
4. Makes a correct registration on the Site. In a case of contact data and other significant information change, timely make changes to the registration form.
5. Obliges to use the Site in accordance with the existed and applicable laws of the country where the Site and the User are located.
6. MWTV copyrights and other rights holders observing, do not copy or transfer any significant part of the site information to third parties. Do not use the Site with a purpose that violate the third parties copyright.
7. Undertakes not to mislead other Users, nor to pursue or harass them; do not contact with other Users in the case of the commission of their actions, clearly indicating the unwillingness to contact the User.
8. Agrees not to take action that can be considered:
a) as violating the country legislation where the Site and the User are located or the norms of international law, including the intellectual property field;
b) as disrupting the normal resource and the website operation, including:
• unauthorized access to the server;
• the resource security system probing, scanning or testing;
• TCP / IP Falsification;
• resource software decoding, decompiling, dismantling;
• interference with other users in using the resource;
• system services use for any kind of spam;
• viruses deliberate transmission and / or system or network “hacking” ; any automated systems use to access the site, including commercial applications for the files bulk upload as a client software replacement;
c) as information confidentiality violating provided by other Users;
9. Obliges to be responsible for their login and password safety and has no right to transfer or provide these information to the third parties. All actions performed on The site using the username and password belonging to the User is deemed to be Perfect User.
10. Independently bears responsibility to third parties for their actions using the Site and the Service, including the fact they meet the requirements and do not violate the rights and third parties legitimate interests. The user independently and at his own expense agrees to settle all third parties claims, linked with the User’s actions using the Service.
11. Undertakes not to use the Site and the Service for the fraudulent and illegal operations conducting, other criminal acts committing, including those which purpose is to proceed of crime or terrorism legalization.
12. To observe, the placed Content does not contain:
• country where the Site and the User are located current legislation materials violating;
• unlawful acts encouraging materials;
• social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity inciting materials, social, racial, national,
religious propaganda or linguistic superiority, as well as people discrimination on sex, age, ethnicity basis and other characteristics;
• calls for terrorist activities containing materials or terrorism justifying and other extremist materials;
• pornography propaganda containing materials, scenes, images, violence description, cruelty, inhuman animals treatment;
• third parties intellectual rights affecting materials (including any patent, trademark, copyright and related rights);
• person honor, dignity,business reputation and good name affecting materials (insulting, degrading, libelous materials including );
• citizen image protection rights violating materials; rights violation thereat creating materials and third parties interests protected by law;
• materials which the User has no right to make available by law or according to any contractual obligations (including disclosing personal, family, commercial and other information protected by law or contract);
• hidden inserts containing, as well as created using other techniques and methods materials affecting the people subconscious and (or) having a harmful effect on their health;
• materials which contain the information of development methods, production and use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors acquisition places, as well as any advantages of using certain narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors propagating ;
• unauthorized special advertising information, junk mail, spam, pyramid schemes, happiness letters; advertising, commercial or campaigning records inconsistent transfer;
• viruses or other computer codes containing materials, designed to violate, destroy or restrict functionality files or programs of any computer or telecommunications equipment or unauthorized access programs and commercial software products serial numbers, logins, passwords and other resources for obtaining unauthorized access to pay resources in Internet;
• references to resources which content does not comply with the current country legislation where the Site and the User are located. Site administration recommends to refrain from posting references or recommendations related materials about tobacco and alcohol products use.
The User of the Site does not have the right to use other people’s data, to try to introduce an identity with celebrities, political or public and cultural figures.
The user is responsible for attempts to obtain unauthorized access to the Site database or other related computer systems, attempts to bypass or
make any damage to the security system that prevents the use or copying of materials, prohibited from being used and copied. User has no right
to reformat or create any part of the Web pages that are part of the Site.

2. The Site Administration reserves the right to:

1. Make the Site modification.
2. Provide paid and free services (Service) to Users.
3. Amend the Agreement unilaterally by posting such changes in the Agreement text on the Site.
4. Introduce, cancel, change the Service cost and type and terms of its operation.
5. Edit or delete User materials published on the Site, if they do not comply with the terms of this Agreement and harm the Site Administration or third parties.
6. Transfer the rights got from the User under this Agreement to the third parties with the purpose to execute this Agreement without additional User consent.
7. At its own discretion and without reasons explanation take any measures not inconsistent with the law, to restrict or stop access to for the Site Users violated this Agreement.
8. Suspend the User’s access to the Site as entirely, as to any part of Site, without prior warning in case the User is involved in actions directly, that may reasonably be deemed to violate the Agreement.
9. Close and (or) limit the Site functionality at any time convenient for the Site Administration without any prior notice to the User.
10. Monitor and store information about the User’s access IP-addresses to the Site, use the technical information (cookies) files placed on the User local terminal, as well as the information of the technical means composition used for the Site access.
11. Provide information about fraudulent and unlawful User actions to law enforcement agencies, as well as to fraudulent actions victims on the first demand, if the fact of fraud is proven.


3. Site administration is not responsible:

1. For the content, accuracy and precision of the materials posted on the Site by Users.
2. For violation done by the User of copyright and other rights of third parties by publishing materials do not complying with the current legislation of the country of the Site and the User location (including copyrights respect) added by the User to the Site or transferred to the Company by another way.
3. For full or partial obligations default, if such failure is a consequence of force majeure (“force majeure”), including mass riots, restraining authorities’ actions, natural disasters, fires, disasters and other force majeure circumstances, as well as: power supply interruptions; Internet segments operation global disruptions; routing systems failure; domain names distributed system failures; hacker and DoS attacks malfunctions, as well as other third parties illegal actions.


4. Cancellation of the Service and refund:

1. The User has the right to refuse the services provided to him at any time.
2. If the User has decided to refuse the services provided by MWTV, User must inform MWTV about this decision in writing. User can apply for the exercise of his rights in the following ways:
1) in person at the MWTV office at the address: Riga, Katlakalna street 1, LV-1073, in writing, presenting an identity document;
2) by sending an e-mail request to MWTV: info@freevds.com or a letter to the legal address of MWTV – Riga, Katlakalna street 1, LV-1073.
3. In the application for cancellation of the service, User must indicate:
• name, surname (identity identification);
• the name of the service the User wishes to refuse;
• desired date of service disconnection;
• contact information (e-mail, mail), where MWTV will send a prepared response to the User’s request.
4. The User’s application for refusal of services is considered by MWTV within 5 (five) business days. After that, MWTV prepares a refusal confirmation and terminates the provision of services on the date specified in the confirmation.
5. Considering the fact that MWTV provides the following services to Users:
• The Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS);
• Dedicated Servers;
• Server Collocation;
on the basis of a monthly subscription fee, as well as taking into account the specifics of the services provided, a refund is made only for a full unused month.
6. The Service will continue to operate for the remaining days of the current (paid) period.
7. In order to return funds to the User in the application for cancelling the service, it is necessary to indicate that the User wishes to return the funds for the paid, but not yet used service in accordance with the aforementioned terms of this Agreement.
8. From the date of termination of the service, MWTV guarantees a refund within 30 (thirty) days for the unused period, except for those funds that were the commission of the payment system.
9. Refunds are not made if the User violates the rules of this Agreement. Also, a refund is not carried out in the event of a malfunction of other servers, networks or sending spam.


5. Final provisions:

1. In all that is not provided for in this Agreement, the Site Administration and the User are guided by the current legislation of the country where the Site is located.
2. The user/rightholder who believes his rights and interests are violated due to the actions of the Company or third parties during the use of the Service, provided by the Site, has a right to send a claim to the e-mail address: info@freevds.com.
3. The Agreement can be changed by the Site Administration without any special notification.
4. In the case of legal acts accepting by authorities affecting the whole or part of the Site operation, the Site Administration reserves the right make any changes in the Site functioning aimed to bring the Site in accordance with the new standards.